At LKLG, we don’t just say that your problem is important to us. We mean it.
I know what it feels like to be in your position. Years ago, I suffered a broken back as a carpenter on a construction site. It didn’t take long for my attorney to abandon me. He settled with the other party for pennies on the dollar. Why? Because it was the path of least resistance. It was easier for him to settle than to fight. The event was life-altering. While I was in the hospital, I decided to change my trajectory. I went back to school and dedicated myself to the law. Since then, my focus has been on seeking justice for the vulnerable.
At LKLG, I am proud to be surrounded by a group of professionals who have also dedicated their careers to the pursuit of justice. In fact, we have one guiding principle: “You matter. We care.”
- Lawrence M. Kahn, Founder
Seeking Justice and Change: The Legacy of Mary McClinton
Many clients who have lost loved ones due to a system error seek not only an acknowledgement of wrongdoing and compensation for a great loss, they also seek change so no other family ever should experience their preventable sorrow and loss.
At the Lawrence Kahn Law Group, we get it. Either through a significant jury verdict, which is one way to cause change, or through settlement, we seek to change the world one case at a time.
Mary McClinton v. Virginia Mason Hospital was an extraordinary and humbling case. The settlement required a systematic change that CEO Gary Kaplan embraced for patient safety. The case and its legacy are still teaching lessons of community safety worldwide.
As stated by her youngest son William, “Mom fought to help protect people all her life. It is only fitting that she helps people in death.”
Settlement reached in fatal hospital mistake (

Ask our professional staff to schedule a free consultation. We'll evaluate your claim and answer any questions you might have.
Stop by and meet Archer -
He's LKLG's friendly mascot!